My Newest Project - Check it out.

Monday, November 3, 2008

I'm going private

I've decided that I'm going to be taking this blog private on 11/17/08

Mostly for peace of mind.

If you would like to still have access to this blog please leave your first and last name with your email address in the comments area, or email at my first initial, last name @ Thanks!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween Costume

Miranda: I know...a witch is sooooo original. hee hee. That is the best I could come up with since I spent so much time helping Kerry with his costume. We had a great halloween!


Miranda: Well, here it is... Kerry's departments' theme this year was Ghostbusters. So, Kerry decided to make a Stay Puft Marshmallow Man costume. After LOTS of hours and TONS of white duct tape, he won 1st place for the costume contest out of approx 500 people. Not bad huh! He's walking on 5 gallon buckets and so he towers over everyone. He had lots of fun this year for halloween if you can't tell. And of course we can't forget our super sweet fireman.

Kerry: This picture was after about 7 hours of being in it and walking somewhere around 1.5 miles total. Way fun! Sore muscles? Yes.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

New Family Pictures

Along with great memories, here are some of the Gems that we made.

Thanks for the ideas for poses Haley!

Monday, October 20, 2008

I thought this image was funny...

Have you ever had a bully? Or someone that thought they were always right? Share your story of how you overcame that bully.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Here it is!

Here's my new creation, It's best viewed in Firefox. Please let me know what you think. It's a work in progress. :)

Me vs. Raptor

I could survive for 1 minute, 47 seconds chained to a bunk bed with a velociraptor

Created by Bunk Beds Pedia

Sunday, September 28, 2008 not, am not, am not!!!

Okay, I really like the game Guitar Hero but I don't consider myself one of those people who detach themselves from all civilization just so they could be attached to the game 24-7.

photo credit

I like it and I probably play it realistically 1-2 times every 2 weeks. I'll usually sit down and play a hand full of songs then carry on with my life. Well tonight I dueled a guy on the game called Lou (Lucifer?). Remix of "The Devil Went Down To Georgia".

He's the last dual to win the game. (See, I knew I'd sound shallow telling you this.)

Anyway, on my way to winning the game our neighbors came over to watch a pre-scheduled movie. I was so wrapped up in the game that they (needless to say) ended up standing on our porch for a couple minutes before Miranda finally heard them and opened the door.

And as another fine point I got a cool blister from jamming!
The funniest thing of all was that Miranda didn't think I should post this on my blog for fear of making it look like I was a Guitar Hero Nerd. Well, I think I did pretty well of dodging that bullet....


....don't you?

...You what?!?

You're right I'm pathetic. :)

Friday, September 26, 2008

Short funnies

When a woman goes to her closet and says, "I don't have anything to wear," she really means "I don't have anything NEW to wear."
When a man goes to his closet and says, "I don't have anything to wear," what he really means is "I don't have anything CLEAN to wear."
You admit having broken into the dress shop four times?" asked the judge.
"Yes," answered the suspect.
"And what did you steal?"
"A dress, Your Honor," replied the subject.
"One dress?" echoed the judge. "But you admit breaking in four times!"
"Yes, Your Honor," sighed the suspect. "But three times my wife didn't like the color."
"Take a pencil and paper," the teacher said, "and write an essay with the title 'If I Were a Millionaire'"
Everyone but Philip, who leaned back with arms folded, began to write furiously.
"What's the matter," the teacher asked. "Why don't you begin?"
"I'm waiting for my secretary," he replied.
As a Hillbilly couple walk out of divorce court,the wife is cryin her heart out.
Her husband turns to her and says .. "Fer Pete's sake stop cryin... you're still my sister."

Baah, Dum.......Ching
Have a great day!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Roses are red, something else is blue and white and black...

This last weekend I had the honor of attending a wedding for an awesome couple, Craig (My Brother) and Whitney. It was extremely beautiful and you could tell that they really love each other and that they are willing to do whatever it takes to be together forever. I wanted to share some fun pictures of their wedding and the joy that they/we all had.

Yes, yours truly gave the toast. Best you've ever heard. ;)

And they lived happily ever after (Honeymooning in Hawaii...)

Bee Vs. Praying Mantis

So Logan has been watching a praying mantis for the last couple days hang around one of our outdoor driveway lights. When he goes out to ride his bike he checks to see if it's still there. His fascination has grown ever since I caught one for him and put it in his bug holder. It has an attached magnifying glass. When you look through it, it looks like you've got a 500lbs. mantis on your hands, okay 750lbs. for a guy Logan's size.

Come to think of it, it's probably the same one that we caught. Anyway, as I looked I noticed that there was a honey bee buzzing the light. This caught my attention. Now from what I gather in the animal kingdom bees are NOT something to be messed with (believe me, growing up as a grandson to a huge bee keeper it was all fun and games until one shot like a bullet up your pant leg destined to teach you a lesson), but from what I've studied neither are praying mantis' either, probably more so. So I decided I'd hang around to see what was going to happen, I could tell that something was going to happen because of the way the praying mantis' head was locked on target to that bee. As it kept flying around, his head would spin around and watch it without flinching or missing a beat at all. Then all of a sudden Whamo! The Praying Mantis shot out and latched onto the bee mid-flight and started enjoying honey dipped shishkabobs.
(The end, good night kids try to have good dreams...he, he.)

I'm just wondering, do you think that to the mantis the bee is like a honey flavored dessert?

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Anybody wanna see my new Project?

Let me know what you think. 

The site is temporaryily under construction. I'll let you know when it's back open. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. 

Please keep in mind that I'm just gathering info for now and that it's a work in progress. 

I just love boats and boating so much that I thought it'd be fun to have an informative web site built for Utahns.


That picture's hilarious!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I'm alive

I made it! Well the dentist didn't kill me. Actually I'd recommend the Dentistry to others. The dentist and his team has done great so far. They were very courteous to make sure I was comfortable and completely numb (reference to Pink Floyd?). Currently, I have a temporary cap that I'll have for about 2 weeks. It's not bad, or painful and honestly the worst part about the procedure was the initial shot to numb my mouth. (Ironic?) The most I took were a couple ibuprofen right after and that's it. The crown really isn't extremely smooth and because of that I find that I'm rubbing my tongue on it all the time. Practically wearing my tongue out on it because it feels slightly different. Anyway, I wanted to let everyone know that I'm alive and my teeth look pretty good. :) I even ate a burrito 3-4 hours after. Yee Haa!

Jessica, yes I think I do grind a bit. (I decided a mouthguard at night would be a good idea.) lol

Monday, September 8, 2008

Today's Entry - (I know it's not original!!)

Sooooooo, I have thought that for the last couple days that my mollar tooth upper left all the way in the back has been sensitive and when I bit down on things it would hurt a bit. So I told Miranda that I probably had a cavity and that I would like to see the Dentist. So far i've been so lucky to just have two. She called and they scheduled me as soon as the dentist's found that I was in pain. (Green light huh?) Anyway, I went right in within 1 hour's notice. The doctor took x-ray's and used a pressure treatment tool that pushes down on the tooth at different angles. Well, come to find out I have a fracture in my tooth and I'm supposed to be dead within 24 hours...(Just checking to see if you were listening) 

Anyway, he wants to do a Crown. I told him I was flattered but I'm really not royalty. So I get to go in to the Dentist's office tomorrow and see what amount of damage I can tolerate to my face...

Can anyone tell that I'm not looking forward to this? Does anybody have any good story about this happening, because if not I'm in trouble...The worst experience of my life happened at the Dentist's chair. If there are enough requests I'll bore you with the details.

Anyway if I don't post anything else ever again on this blog please know that I intended to, and that if I'm missing please check the Dentist's office. :) 

Thursday, September 4, 2008

MSN - Messenger

Oh, if you guys wanna catch me on MSN Messenger during the day I'm almost always on there. Leave me a message if you're interested and I'll send you my MSN username.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


I know, I know many of you are saying, "Sheesh did Kerry fall off the face of the earth"? We'll actually I did, Just kidding that would be silly. However we did get really close, :)

This last weekend our great friends took us down to meet their family in the great state of Parowan, (it's pronounced Pare-oh-wann) for those of you that don't know where it is it's by Cedar Breaks. Way fun, Most of all it was really relaxing and just nice to get away. The Boyz (Logan and our Neighbor Seth [Same age]) were great most of the time. They are so competitive with each other. Sometimes it's kinda funny. They'll throw a hat in front of them about 5' out and race to it and then do it again. They are very clear who won the last race and who will win the next race.

So anyway we visited the Bryce Canyon and the beautiful vistas and we're back and having fun. I wanted to at least get something up because it's been so long. Thanks NMSS!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

"Rated R" - Just Kidding

May of you know that I have this funny habit of saying "Rated R" periodically. this explains where my weird twitch is based on. My brother and I just started saying it one day and then couldn't stop because it was too funny. Mostly because of the way it's said and how it's drilled into us at the end of almost every movie trailer. Anyway, enjoy.

Some Fun Junk

So for work my company does Halloween. I mean really does Halloween. Planning for it starts months in advance. Our department is going to be dressing up as superheroes. So naturally I went looking for what I wanted to be online. I came across a quiz that tells you what superhero you are most like personality-wise. These were my results. I challenge anyone that reads this to run the quiz and see who you are. Please leave your results in the comments to this posting. :)

Your results:
You are Superman

Iron Man
The Flash
Green Lantern
You are mild-mannered, good,
strong and you love to help others.

Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz

I'm so flattered... ;)

And for those of you that were wondering, you will not have the misfortune of seeing me wearing tights for Halloween. Yee Har!

BTW, Miranda's was a tie between:

Which Female Action Hero Are You?

You are part Wonder Woman. You have a powerful and strong personality, and you use your persuasiveness and wisdom to keep firm control over your world. You are hard to break.

You are part Princess Leia. You are down-to-earth and stick to a rigid sense of ethics. Nerds may lust over you, but everyone looks to you for your grounded logic and intellect.

Who would have thought it, me, married to a Wonder Woman and Princess Leia combination. Wow, i'm in heaven. lol

Click here to take the Female Action Hero personality Quiz

Thursday, August 14, 2008

A quote I saw on a bumper yesterday.

Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
- François-Marie Arouet (1694 – 1778) aka. Voltaire

Just something random to think about..

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Any Suggestions?

As many of you know Miranda and I have been trying to adopt. Of course this opens up to an interesting predicament. As you can imagine it's quite difficult to put a billboard out there with our family picture that says "looking to adopt". With my luck it'd be right next to a billboard like one of these:

On the other hand you can't exactly go up to a pregnant woman and say are you gonna keep that? - I'm thinking not. :)

So I'm calling on my friends and family to help me think through this. My brain is about fizzeled out. I'm looking for good ideas that will gently let a potential birthmother, who is looking to place for adoption, know about our sweet little family.

If you have any ideas please let us know, you never know, if you are the bridge that enables us to add onto our family maybe we'll name the child after you...unless your name is Franken. :)

Some adoption resources are:

This is our adoption website,

Our LDS Family Profile

This Blog -

Please help us by placing either of the first two on your own blog and label it:

"Kerry and Miranda's adoption page".

Again thanks!

Our Deepest Fear...

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

- Marianne Williamson

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Making the best of an interesting predicament

I first of all wanted to thank everyone for their kind comments on the previous blog entry. The poem came abnormally easy and it was quite therapeutic. It REALLY has been a big comfort knowing that there are so many people that are concerned along with us. So thanks and here’s a friendly hug.

I saw this on my phone and I wanted to share it with everyone. When we were making the trek to Washington, we stopped at Dairy Queen and we gave Logan a box that held his fries and part of a hamburger. Miranda was taking a turn driving on our 15 hour car ride. She and I were engaged in conversation when I realized that the back of the car was rather quiet (which never happens with a three-year-old). As soon as I realized the quietness I heard a series of “umpffs”, “errrrrr”, and “hummmm”. I looked back to see what was going on. I quickly realized that Logan has stuck his finger in the box’s hole and it was stuck. When he saw me he began to laugh so I had to take a picture with my cell phone.

We had a good chuckle, and then of course I free'd the poor helpless (and cute) finger.