On the other hand you can't exactly go up to a pregnant woman and say are you gonna keep that? - I'm thinking not. :)
So I'm calling on my friends and family to help me think through this. My brain is about fizzeled out. I'm looking for good ideas that will gently let a potential birthmother, who is looking to place for adoption, know about our sweet little family.
If you have any ideas please let us know, you never know, if you are the bridge that enables us to add onto our family maybe we'll name the child after you...unless your name is Franken. :)
Some adoption resources are:
This is our adoption website, www.kerryandmiranda.com
Our LDS Family Profile
This Blog - kerrysfishbowl.blogspot.com
Please help us by placing either of the first two on your own blog and label it:
Again thanks!
4 Caring Friends left a message:
O.K. I am going to add you to my blog, but dont be dishen on Franken. He is a great guy. hee hee
You are in our prayers! If we see any prego women, we will walk right up and ask'em if thier going to keep it. No Problem. Your a scream!
By the way, I dont know if it will help. But on the off chance, I wonder if you could make a blinky? I know it sounds stupid, but I made a little announcment at the bottom of my blog list about your desire to adopt, and a plea for help. But if you had something that caught the eye that I could add as a widget? I dunno, maybe that is to cheeze ball.
Thanks Michelle for the concern, If you look at the left of our main blog page, you'll see that I added our family picture as a link to www.kerryandmiranda.com
I literally looked for a couple hours for a cool widget that I could distrubute and I gave up the search. I couldn't find anything worth using. If you run across something I'd like to know about it. Thanks for the suggestion!
You guys should look into being foster parents. Clay and I are thinking about it. The facts are, you really want a kid now, and there are tons of kids right now that really need a strong loving family to help them out. I was researching foster parents, and they said the average stay for a child is 1 yaer, and the goal is always to get the child back to the parents, or relative. But a lot of times that isn't possible so the children are put up for adoption. In those cases,80% of foster children are adopted by the foster parents. You can help any ages, a child closer to Logan's age or a baby. You don't have to end up adopting the child, but if you want to, it could be a possibility. And if you do adopt a foster child, they are automatically on medicare insurance until they are 18, which can be helpful. I know of a few people that were foster parents to babies and they ended up keeping the babies.
Just a thought. Even if you don't adopt, there are kids you can help out while you are waiting to be chosen as parents. Then you can still have the joys of a new baby, while you wait. Good luck!
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