I know, I know many of you are saying, "Sheesh did Kerry fall off the face of the earth"? We'll actually I did, Just kidding that would be silly. However we did get really close, :)
This last weekend our great friends took us down to meet their family in the great state of Parowan, (it's pronounced Pare-oh-wann) for those of you that don't know where it is it's by Cedar Breaks. Way fun, Most of all it was really relaxing and just nice to get away. The Boyz (Logan and our Neighbor Seth [Same age]) were great most of the time. They are so competitive with each other. Sometimes it's kinda funny. They'll throw a hat in front of them about 5' out and race to it and then do it again. They are very clear who won the last race and who will win the next race.
So anyway we visited the Bryce Canyon and the beautiful vistas and we're back and having fun. I wanted to at least get something up because it's been so long. Thanks NMSS!
4 Caring Friends left a message:
We had a great time as well!! I'm not sure when you took your side trip, but we sure enjoyed our drive up to CEDAR BREAKS!! Let's do it again some time when it is not a holiday weekend.
Bryce Canyon, I love that place! Talk about beautiful views. I hope you had fun.... we are thinking we will see you guys in January, that is unless you guys want to come out to Georgia to visit us! We have a spare room that has your name all over it.
Sounds FUN!!
Parawon is a State? Cool. hee hee
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