We have officially been chosen to adopt!!! YEAH!!! We met with the birthparents the end of May where they officially announced that they have chosen us to raise their little boy. The due date July 7th and so we are super busy trying to get the nursery up and ready, diapers & formula purchased, and all of the other fun things that happens when a baby joins your family. We are so excited and can’t wait for the arrival of our soon to be baby boy! Logan insists that he’s going to help feed the baby all by himself and change diapers as well. We’ll have to see how long the diaper changing thing lasts. I think I’ll give him till his first poopy diaper till he decides he’ll stick to the bottles only. He is so excited to be a big brother and tells us so every day. We’ve been trying to think of names and Logan insists on naming the baby “Frankin.”
I don't think I'd like others to associate our boy with this...lol

It’s so funny the things little kids say.
Anyway, we just wanted to let everyone know about our GREAT news and hope you will share in the excitement with us. We feel so blessed to have met the birthparents and for the great sacrifice they are making for their child. We can’t say enough good things about the both of them and are excited to have them in our lives as well.
So, let the countdown begin….20 days to go (unless the baby comes early)
1 Caring Friends left a message:
Congrats! I am SO excited for you guys. I can't wait for you to come out in July. Having 2 boys is a TON of fun! I think you should name the baby Jake. I mean, we have a Logan, you have a Logan, why not just name the other one the same as us and we can have two boys with the same name? Haha.
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