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Sunday, August 17, 2008

Some Fun Junk

So for work my company does Halloween. I mean really does Halloween. Planning for it starts months in advance. Our department is going to be dressing up as superheroes. So naturally I went looking for what I wanted to be online. I came across a quiz that tells you what superhero you are most like personality-wise. These were my results. I challenge anyone that reads this to run the quiz and see who you are. Please leave your results in the comments to this posting. :)

Your results:
You are Superman

Iron Man
The Flash
Green Lantern
You are mild-mannered, good,
strong and you love to help others.

Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz

I'm so flattered... ;)

And for those of you that were wondering, you will not have the misfortune of seeing me wearing tights for Halloween. Yee Har!

BTW, Miranda's was a tie between:

Which Female Action Hero Are You?

You are part Wonder Woman. You have a powerful and strong personality, and you use your persuasiveness and wisdom to keep firm control over your world. You are hard to break.

You are part Princess Leia. You are down-to-earth and stick to a rigid sense of ethics. Nerds may lust over you, but everyone looks to you for your grounded logic and intellect.

Who would have thought it, me, married to a Wonder Woman and Princess Leia combination. Wow, i'm in heaven. lol

Click here to take the Female Action Hero personality Quiz

6 Caring Friends left a message:

Michelle and Nick said...

It's a tie between Princess Leia and Rogue. Who the heck is Rogue?

Kerry said...

Here's a link with a picture of Rogue.

Here's a YouTube video that my boss sent me about Rogue. I think he has a secret collection of these somewhere that nobody knows

Tiffany said...

I am superman. I think the quiz is riged. There were quite a few questions that if you were LDS you almost have to answer yes.

Miranda said...

TIff, I think you may have answered the questions for the men. There is a different link for the should re-take the quiz. hee hee

Unknown said...

Its the 25% hulk that has me stumped. Do you have a greenish hue?
And well of coure Miranda is Super Woman... But I think it would be a scream to see her with Princess Lia hair...

Anonymous said...

Yes but I (clay) am Superman!