As many of you know Miranda and I have been trying to adopt. Of course this opens up to an interesting predicament. As you can imagine it's quite difficult to put a billboard out there with our family picture that says "looking to adopt". With my luck it'd be right next to a billboard like one of these:

On the other hand you can't exactly go up to a pregnant woman and say are you gonna keep that? - I'm thinking not. :)
So I'm calling on my friends and family to help me think through this. My brain is about fizzeled out. I'm looking for good ideas that will gently let a potential birthmother, who is looking to place for adoption, know about our sweet little family.
If you have any ideas please let us know, you never know, if you are the bridge that enables us to add onto our family maybe we'll name the child after you...unless your name is Franken. :)
Some adoption resources are:
This is our adoption website,
Our LDS Family Profile
This Blog -
Please help us by placing either of the first two on your own blog and label it:
"Kerry and Miranda's adoption page". Again thanks!